Wednesday 29 July 2015

Top 5 Wednesday:Favourite Character Tropes!

 Hey everyone, here's the last Top 5 Wednesday for July: Favourite Character Tropes!

These are some things which are overused in YA books, but I can't help but love sometimes.
As always here is the goodreads group created by Gingerreadslainey on Youtube:

1. Bad character turns good for the girl. 
I'm a sucker for seemly bad tough guys and even more when they turn out to care so much for another character. I just love that one person can change the way they act or think just because they care so much for them. N'aww <3

2. Troubled/traumatic childhood
 I hate that this happens so often. But on the good side, out of the books I've read the majority of the backstories have been different from one another. The outcome is nearly always the same for the character personality. Someone who is a little bad ass and independent, which a chip on their shoulder. They always seem to crack at some point though at holding their emotions together.

3. Disappearing love interest in the second book of a series/trilogy. 
WHY DO THEY DO THIS. Well, I know why. It gets us all riled up waiting for them to be together again and it keeps people turning the page till they're back. Its so frustrating, but it keeps me reading! I've found this to happen so many times in books.
The Kiss of Betrayal by Mary E Pearson - The Prince can rarely see or have a proper conversation with Lia due to circumstances.
World After by Susan Ee - Raffe also disappears off several times throughout the book.
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi - Aria goes off on her own journey and Perry stays with his tribe.
Scent of Magic by Maria V Synder - Kerrick is absent for the majority of the book, only returning within the last 20 pages.
Magic Study by Maria V Synder - Valek and Yelena are in separate countries apart from a few short moments.
The Winners Crime by Marie Rutkoski - Arin and Kestrel are also in separate countries and only have a few stolen moments together. Even then Kestrel does not admit her true feelings towards Arin.
Shadows by Isla J Bick - Tom and Alex are separated and don't know where each other are throughout the book.
Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken -  Ruby is separated from Liam during her time with the Childrens League.

4. 'Secret' royalty 
This happens a lot in books I've read recently. Either someone doesn't know they are of royal blood and its revealed or royalty is in disguise and the main character doesn't know. Some books that have this include, Snow like Ashes, Red Queen, Throne of Glass, Cinder and The Kiss of Deception.

5. Bad-ass main female characters
As much as I love bad-ass characters who are independent and look after themselves, it happens in so many books now that its not unique. Other characters in the book always comment on how amazing it is that they are different etc as well.  They always end up running off and doing things on their own agenda before thinking about safety. But I much prefer the over use of this character personality than having a whiny and needy character that would probably annoy me throughout the book :D I won't list any since that would probably mean typing up half my bookshelf.

Let me know what you guys think about these character tropes!


  1. Ah why didn't I think of secret royalty! I love that trope so much, my favourite example of it has to be The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I feel that having bad-ass female characters in every book is a good thing (and you can never have enough of a good thing!) even if it isn't unique any more.

    Charlotte @ Bookmarks and Blogging

  2. I never noticed that love interests disappear in book 2 but now that I think about it... Great list! You can check out my post if you like Happy Wednesday! X
