Wednesday 5 August 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite book maps!

Hello everyone! 

I'm super excited about Top 5 Wednesday this week, as a lot of you know my favourite genre to read is fantasy. As fantasy books are set in a different world, this means a lot of books within this genre have maps to help readers better visualise the new world that is being described to them. So this was not only a ton of fun to find my favourites but absolutely heartbreaking to cut it down to a top 5!

As always, Top 5 Wednesday is a goodreads group created by gingerreadslainey on youtube, if you'd like to join in, here is the link to the goodreads group:

Lets get started!


1. Primoria from Snow like Ashes

This map just brings me right back to certain scenes in the book, I love it so much. It seems to me to be completely unique, in terms of shape and the whole concept of having the seasons as countries. Although not really do-able, I think this map would look stunning in colour, to show off the different climates of each region. 

2. The Kiss of Deception 

It's unknown if this world has been given a collective name, but each region is named. I love the detail that's put into this map - the illustrations around the lower half and the colour really make me feel like this map is from a really ancient text and goes along with some of the religious themes within the book. The cities shown aren't just distinguished by having their borders drawn and name inside - the infrastructure of each place and its style of building is shown. Another thing I also like is the preplanning in the map, with places marked up regardless of whether the character will visit them in the first book or a future book. 

3. Erilea from Throne of Glass

Although it seems to be much more simplistic than other maps, this one covers a much larger area. You get the feeling of how much the characters have had to travel from place to place. I really like the names of the places labelled, with even the smallest of areas noted for when a character mentions a time before when they had visited, no matter how short of a snippet that is. Although its fairly preplanned, I still feel like this map has room to grow as the story develops. 

4. The Seven Kingdoms from Graceling

I really like this map. I'm not sure if its just the style of it but it gives me a lord of the rings vibe. For only a short fantasy book with only companion novels this map is really good! The detail in the bordering and typography adds so much to this map and I love that each of the kingdoms shield emblems are shown, even if they are simple. The zoom in of the area where the characters spend a lot of time traveling gives you a little bit more detail from just the overview of the kingdoms and I love the drawings of the castles and boats. A small but sweet map!

5. Mytica from Gathering Darkness

This map is present from the beginning of the series, but is one that is developing as the story goes. Gathering Darkness is the most up to date, with places labelled. Its pretty much a squashed version of the UK, with a few small areas chopped here and there. The swirl design used to signify the sea is a nice little addition in the background but as this is such a long series, I do wish there was a little bit more detail to the map. This is only the third book out of six so I guess plenty of time for it to be added to and developed further. 

Honorable mentions - These books are still on my tbr and so I felt as much as I loved the maps, I couldn't add them to my Top 5 as I feel that the story makes the map come to life. 

- An Ember in the Ashes
All I need to say is that this map is stunning! Across two pages and the detail across the whole thing is great, from the mountains and tree to the different city buildings. It looks as if there is room to develop if there is another book and it makes me very excited to start. 
- Winterspell
This map seems to be completely different and feels like its a modern twist to a fantasy world. It makes me very intrigued! Plus the castle in the centre makes me think of the disney castle!
- The Orphan Queen 
This map looks like there is a ton of room to add to it and like its gonna be a pretty big world.

That's it for this weeks Top 5 Wednesday - make sure to comment what you think of my choices or leave a link to your own favourites!

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